CoWelder Pi TIG 350 E

CoWelder Pi TIG 350 E


Complete welding solution, supplied fully assembled, ready to install and put into operation including robot, power source, welding torch and table mount.

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The warranty period is 24 months for new welding machines, 12 months for new accessories and 6 months for spare parts. The warranty period is calculated from the date of invoice to the end user from the Supplier or the Supplier’s dealer/distributor. The original invoice is proof of the warranty period.


The warranty period for spare parts used for the robot unit (UR robot incl. control) is 12 months. All other costs relating to hours of labour, transport and shipment are not covered by the warranty. For further details, refer to the warranty conditions of the robot supplier Universal Robots.

Warranty repairs on the robot unit will be carried out at the address of the robot supplier. The warranty period for welding machines and other parts of the CoWelder solution is 24 months. The warranty period is calculated from the date of invoice to the end user from the Supplier or the Supplier’s dealer/distributor. The original invoice is proof of the warranty period.

See full conditions of warranty