Validation and calibration


Confirmation - through the provision of objective evidence – that the requirements for a specific intended use or application have been met.

Determination whether the welding equipment is suitable for the intended purpose. Tolerance requirements can be set by the customer and still comply with IEC 60974-14.


Determination of the accuracy of the measurement intruments.

The accuracy of the measurement instruments is checked to +/- 2.5% of maximum values. Tolerance requirements are in accordance with EN60974-14.

Note: Validation of the complete welding equipment also includes at the same time calibration of attached or built in instruments.

When do I need to validate?

In general, calibration of welding equipment instruments (e.g. ammeters, voltmeters) is only required when the quality/repeatability of the weld depends on accurate and repeatable setting of parameters such as current, voltage, speed, gas flow, pulse characteristics, etc. In the schematic below, you can see when to validate/calibrate.


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How often do I need to validate?
  • Minimum once a year according to IEC 60974-14
  • When the equipment has been rebuilt or repaired.
  • Whenever there are indications that an instrument does not register properly.
  • Whenever the equipment has been visibly damaged and the damage can have influenced the functions of one or more instruments.
  • Whenever the equipment has been misused or subjected to severe stress (including overloads and traffic accidents) or any other event which can have resulted in damage to one or more instruments.
Euro norms

Metal fabricators who are following DS/EN ISO 9001:2015 will experience that various norms are becoming relevant. Each norm has reference to other norms and end up with IEC 60974-14 and the validation certificate.

IEC 60974-14 describes a strict method to perform the validation, which is suitable for most applications. 

Also SAFETY TEST and maintenance SERVICE CHECK are necessary when servicing welding equipment.